a Polluted Environment

a Polluted Environment

and Learning activities in Education

and Learning activities in Education
Our Story
Networking for Society Development Organization (NESODO) has applied its in-depth domain of volunteers to deliver different solutions according to our objectives like Empowering/awakening the communities to own and manage the environmental resources sustainably using their indigenous knowledge and incorporating science and technology where necessary, Promote and advocate for the full realization of the rights and well-being of all peer in Tanzania, Raising awareness of good moral in the Society of Tanzania to increase level of respecting each other, Raising awareness of farmers access sustainable agricultural and food security hence increase level of production as well as quality products, Promote national and international, multi-stakeholder collaboration and actions for rare diseases, Promote conducive teaching and learning activities in Education / Capacity Development.
Let’s Change Together
What makes us Different?
Give Donation
We need donations from various stakeholders to achieve the dreams of the needy and run NESODO programs for the benefit of the community.
Support Us
In reality all projects are still being implemented below the level of our Strategic Plan due to lack of Funding. Please join hands to support Us
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the Heart. “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give."

Moral and Social Services in the society
NESODO wants to educate through lobbing and advocacy about Sports and Culture development, Orphans care, Elderly care, Street Children care and advice, Social assistance and Good governance so that people can live according to total way of life of the particular place by following what is civilized and avoid what is not civilized in Tanzania main land.
From Our Community.
Working Together to End Environmental Pollution
Pollution is increasing fueled by Local transportation and Fishing activities as well as recreation leading to plastic waste increasing which by then have challenges on water sanitation, destroying fish species and endanger human health. the situation causes even water bodies to have a lot of plastic wastes. Also, COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst health, environment and education crises in modern history and it continues to require the best of humanity to overcome